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Your child keeps on growing and developing with each passing day!


Language development:

By the age of five your child already knows thousands of words, and most of them he can ever pronounce properly. Usually, five years old talk constantly - asking questions, telling stories and sharing their thoughts. They are now practicing the verbal abilities they have worked so hard to acquire in the past few years.  

You can help your child use the proper pronunciation of verbs (past and future) by asking them how was their day yesterday or telling them about future plans. The best way to improve his speech abilities is by speaking to him.  


Development of motor skills:

Your child keeps on developing in this field as well. His balance will improve and so will his ability to toss a ball. The improvement in gentle and gross motor skills will allow you to expose him to new types of sport that were a bit too complicated until now, including swimming and riding bicycles.

Many parents feel that their child has an endless amount of energy. This is characteristic to five years old children, and in many cases, the child will keep running and playing even when he is tired. Physical activity is a great way to release this energy. International health organizations recommend devoting half an hour a day to physical activity.


Social and emotional development:

At the age of five certain behavior patterns that were admissible before are less acceptable, such as crying whenever you say goodbye or lack of will to participate in games with new people.

Remember that although your child seems all grown up, many kids continue to be shy, especially in new situations. It doesn’t mean that your child will be shy for the rest of his life. Many children learn how to overcome it by experimenting in new social situations, with the help and support of friends and family. Instead of trying to change his behavior, try preparing him to situations that might be difficult. If loud and noisy events such as birthdays are stressful for him, try to act at home a similar situation. This way you can proper him and provide him with tools to handle these situations. Clear boundaries provide a sense of security, for example - if your child invites friends over for a playdate, restrict the number of kids that can participate and limit the time.


As we have mentioned before each child has his own pace of development, and there is no need to worry if your child isn’t doing everything we have described here, when should you approach your pediatrician?

  • If your child shows aggressive or frightened behavior

  • Can’t concentrate at a specific action longer than five minutes

  • Objects firmly to separation from the parents

  • Doesn’t want to play with kids his age

  • Doesn’t react to people or the environment

  • Has difficulties eating, sleeping or using the restroom

  • Can’t differentiate reality from imagination

  • Can’t use verbs properly

  • Has difficulties undressing

  • Has difficulties brushing his teeth

  • Can’t wash and wipe his hands

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