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You will be pleased to hear that until the age of three months, your child will go through significant changes and will become an active baby who is more and more curious about his body and beginning to learn how to control it each passing day. His hands will be an endless source of interest and you can enjoy watching him learn new movements for hours on end while opening and closing his fists. With time, he will learn to grasp games and even shake them. 

It is important to make time for them to lie on their stomach while they are awake and under your parental supervision, and with time you will see them lift their head and chest while lying on their stomach, and even stretching their legs and kicking back. While you play with them on a mattress, it is recommended to play with hanging games so they can try to reach and grasp them. 

Sight - what is the view like from down there?

As your baby grows, you will notice him focusing on the faces of the people surrounding him, recognizing familiar faces from a distance and following different moving objects. With time, his hand-eye coordination will improve.


And what do they hear?

Until one month of age, his hearing has developed completely and now he begins to make noises in response to your voice, to smile voluntarily in response to familiar voices and mumble, trying to copy some of the voices. He will also recognize the direction from which the voice is coming from and turn his head accordingly.

Social - Your child is now starting to develop a social smile in response to a familiar face or voice, and now enjoys the company of others. As they grow, they become more communicative, responsive to their environment and even try to copy movements and facial expressions they are exposed to. 

Remember, every child develops at his own pace and may reach the milestones described here at a slightly different time, and this is usually no reason to worry. However, if your child is 3-months-old and you notice any of the following behaviors, it is recommended to consult your pediatrician about your child's development.

- Does not follow a moving object with his eyes 

- Has trouble moving one or both eyes in any or all directions

- Does not make sounds in response to voices around him

- Does not smile socially 

 - Doesn't respond to interactions with people surrounding him or laugh from entertaining activities

- Does not lift his head while lying on his stomach, even for a short amount of time

Last update - May 2017

Written by - Ms. Tamar Sudry, BA MED

Dr. Yair Sadaka MD, Ph.D. , Specialist in pediatrics, child neurology and child development


The Israeli Ministry of health 12/2016 - Development evaluation from birth to 6 months

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