Ministry of health guidelines
Ministry of health guidelines for ADHD
In the Ministry of health website you can find information which summarizes what’s known regarding ADHD.
In 2010 a protocol was publishes describing how to diagnose ADHD in children and adolescents. Here are the main points:
Who can make the diagnoses
A Neurologist or paediatric Neurologist, Psychiatrists specialising in children and adolescents, a Dr with at least 3 years of experience in child development or a Pediatrician who has a specialty and experience in ADHD or an adult Neurologist or Psychiatrist.
Psychologists must refer patient to a Doctor specialising in diagnosing ADHD in order to exclude other medical conditions and to decide on the need for medical treatment.
These specialists can use the help of other medical professionals (Social workers, Occupational therapists, Physiotherapists, Communication clinician), but they are fully responsible for the diagnosis.
Length of diagnosis
The analysis must last at least 45-60 minutes in order to fully answer the diagnostic requirements. In this field, there could be other medical conditions, and the diagnosis must reference these conditions as well as exclude certain conditions (differential diagnosis).
Diagnosis for children and adolecents
The diagnosis at this age is carried out according to criteria validated worldwide , and based on the DSM.
The diagnosis must include:
Clinical evaluation including:
a. Medical history of the child and the child’s family
b. Full evaluation based on the DSM updated criteria
c. Evaluation of other possible conditions
d. Detailed clinical exam.
Diagnostic questionnaires filled out by parents and teachers (such as the Conners questionnaire) and not follow up questionnaires.
Other diagnostic tools : If the need arrises the Doctor or Psychologist will recommend further tools to conclude the diagnosis, such as: Objective computerised tests such as CPT, psychological tests, cognitive assessment , psychiatric assessment, assessment of learning disabilities etc.
Physical examination : The psychologist must recommend completing the diagnosis with a neurological or psychiatric exam, performed by a clinician entitled to diagnose ADHD.
Diagnosis for adults
The diagnosis for adults must include:
Clinical evaluation including:
a. Detailed personal history
b. Full evaluation based on the DSM updated criteria
c. Evaluation of other possible conditions
d. Detailed clinical exam.
Diagnostic questionnaires and not follow up questionnaires.
Other diagnostic tools : If the need arrises the Doctor or Psychologist will recommend further tools to conclude the diagnosis, such as: Objective computerised tests such as CPT, psychological tests, cognitive assessment , psychiatric assessment, assessment of learning disabilities etc.
Physical examination : The psychologist must recommend completing the diagnosis with a neurological or psychiatric exam, performed by a clinician entitled to diagnose ADHD.
Seeing as there is a high incidence of comorbidities (such as learning disabilities, depression and psychiatric conditions, sleep disorders and other neurological conditions), the diagnostician must consider other comorbidities and consult or refer to other appropriate professionals in the relevant field.
If the diagnosis is made by a Psychologist, the patients must be referred to a specialist Doctor who is delegated to diagnose ADHD in order to assess comorbidities and decide on the need for medical treatment.